In the News

New Models Predict Marine Species Hotspots in Previously Unmapped Oceans in Mozambique

Views: 321
(October 03, 2024) Locations in Northern Mozambique around the Quirimbas Islands and Nampula Province were identified as top biodiversity hotspots for the country, thanks to favorable coastal currents and conditions in these areas. See the full article here


WCS Mozambique leads in the recording of biodiversity during the Great Bioblitz of the Southern Hemisphere 2024

Views: 381
(October 02, 2024) The Great Southern Hemisphere Bioblitz, an international initiative that brings together biologists, conservationists, university students and the general public to record observations of organisms on the iNaturalist platform, promoting greater knowledge of biodiversity in the southern hemisphere, took place between 20 and 23 September 2024. In Mozambique, the Bioblitz was organized by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as part of the project ‘Building Biodiversity Knowledge for...


Niassa Special Reserve implements vulture monitoring with GPS devices

Views: 218
(October 02, 2024) The Niassa Special Reserve has implemented a vulture monitoring system through fitting vultures with monitoring collars. Through this work, the team aims at reducing poaching by poisoning, as the vultures quickly get to the carcasses. As a result of a partnership between WCS and Endangered Wildlife Trust, monitoring collars are being fitted to vultures in the Niassa Special Reserve. The vulture capture team is made up of biologists and researchers from the Wildlife Alliance, ecological monito...


WCS Mozambique shares experiences from the “Memba-Mossuril pilot project

Views: 244
(October 02, 2024) WCS delivered a presentation on September 20, 2024, in Maputo City, at a hybrid learning event promoted by USAID through the SPEED+ (Supporting The Policy Enabling Environment for Development) and RCC (Resilient Coastal Communities) programs under the theme “Payment for ecosystem services (PES): an untapped potential in Mozambique?” involving more than 40 participants from various stakeholders.   Eleutério Duarte, WCS Mozambique Project Assistant, during his speach  a...


Mozambique is moving forward with the development of a strategy to expand the national network of marine protected areas

Views: 350
(September 26, 2024) A technical seminar was held on September 17 and 18, 2024, in Maputo City, to engage the various stakeholders in the process of developing the Strategy and Action Plan for the Expansion of the National Network of Marine Protected Areas, including a brainstorming session on the contribution of Other effective marines area-based conservation measures' (OECMs) in Mozambique. The workshop was organized by the Mozambique Oceanographic Institute (InOM) with the support of the Wildlife Conservat...


Mozambique invests in training young academics for environmental impact assessment and biodiversity offsets

Views: 439
(September 18, 2024) More than 200 final-year university students and recent graduates from public and private universities and colleges across the country were trained in the process of environmental impact assessment and the implementation of biodiversity offsets in Mozambique. The event, promoted by the COMBO+ Programme, a partnership between the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS-Mozambique) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), took place ...


Blue Future Project promotes the Hydrological Restoration of the Mangal in Muanangome

Views: 422
(September 18, 2024) Between 17 August and 5 September 2024, a hydrological restoration action was carried out in an area of approximately 38 hectares of mangrove in the community of Muanangome, Lunga Administrative Post, Mossuril District, Nampula Province. This effort is part of the Blue Future Project, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), with the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in charge of the technical coordination of the activity. Local implementation has the support of partners Associação de Aju...


WCS and partners work on another shark and ray survey

Views: 687
(August 23, 2024) The Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InOm), represented by technician Emildo Notisso, in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (Jorge Sitoe and Dave Van Beunigen) and the Marine Megafauna Association (Dércio Maoze), is carrying out a survey as part of an initiative called Global FinPrint, which brings together researchers and collaborators from all over the world to study sharks, rays and other marine species on coral reefs using BRUVS in the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park...


Webinar on the importance and use of the iNaturalist app as part of the citizen science initiative

Views: 725
(August 21, 2024) Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the project ‘Building Biodiversity Knowledge for Action in Southern Africa: Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritisation and Spatial Planning in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi’ (or the ‘SBAPP Regional Project’) funded by AFD/FFEM, held a webinar via Zoom, on 15th of August 2024, about the importance of citizen science and the use of iNaturalist. This event was attended by around 70 participants from research institution...


President of Mozambique appreciates products from Niassa Special Reserve

Views: 370
(August 14, 2024) The President of Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, visited the stand of the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC), where the Niassa Special Reserve was inserted, in the event of the International Tourism Fair (FIKANI), on 11 August.  General Director of ANAC, Pejul Sebastião, explaining to the President of Mozambique the concept of the ANAC stand exhibition The General Director of ANAC, Pejul Sebastião, made the presentation of the stand, where he explained about th...


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