In the News

Environmental Technicians are being trained on integrating Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)

Views: 669
(August 10, 2023) A training course is being held in the City of Nampula between the 8th and 10th of August 2023 for Environmental Technicians, namely the Provincial Service for the Environment (SPA), the Provincial Directorate for Territorial Development and the Environment (DPDTA) and the Provincial Delegation of the Agency for National Control of Environmental Quality (DPAQUA) of the northern region of the country (Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa) and Zambézia, on the importance of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA...


WCS Mozambique’s Marine Program organizes an internal 2-day workshop to analyze the work carried out so far and discuss the strategy for the next 5 years

Views: 559
(August 09, 2023) Almost 5 years after the first marine activities started in Mozambique, with over 13 million USD gathered, 14 active grants, and 15 staff members, it was time for WCS’s marine program team to sit together, analyze the achievements, and start planning the strategy for the next 5 years. After inspiring words from Afonso Madope, WCS Mozambique’s country director, the first day focused on getting to know each other better with several fun activities, such as the innovative shark famil...


WCS Mozambique and partners held workshop to share SBAPP project (Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritisation and Planning)

Views: 694
(August 05, 2023) The dissemination workshop of the SBAPP project (Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritisation and Planning), took place on 4 August in Maputo City and was attended, among others, by the National Director of Environment, Guilhermina Amurane, and the Country Director of WCS Mozambique, Afonso Madope, as well as representatives of the project donors (French Agency for Development - AFD) and implementing partners. This event was organised by the National Directorate for the Environment (DI...


WCS and partners co-authoring the first eDNA paper for coastal zones in Mozambique

Views: 650
(August 03, 2023) Frequent and accurate monitoring of biodiversity is key for adaptive management approaches of coastal habitats, which are critical to hundreds of thousands of Mozambicans who rely on fishing for a living. WCS Mozambique and partners are working with NatureMetrics – UK based company established in 2014 – to build capacity for new technologies such as environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. This molecular-based detection method offers the potential for a robust, scalable, and cost-e...


First edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference

Views: 725
(July 31, 2023) The first Marine Biodiversity Conference was held on 27 and 28 July 2023 in Maputo, at the Sea Museum, and tit also included an exhibition lasted till 2 August. This event is integrated in the Blue Future Project that is implemented in Mozambique by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and its partners (ADPP, AMA, UEM, BIOFUND, ProAzul and InoM). The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Lídia Cardoso, and the implementing partners of the Blue Futu...


Niassa Special Reserve prepares to mitigate the effects of uncontrolled burning

Views: 1015
(July 11, 2023) Recent studies, carried out by MICOA, GTZ - PRODER, reveal that uncontrolled fires in Mozambique are responsible for the devastation of about 30 million hectares (ha) per year and the main causes of these fires are linked to human action, constituting 90% of the total fires carried out. The Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) has about 48 communities, where the vast majority are practitioners of itinerant agriculture, a practice characterised by deforestation and the use of fire. Aware of the ri...


COMBO+ trains technicians from the Ministry of Land and Environment in Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Plans

Views: 641
(July 05, 2023) The COMBO+ Programme, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the National Directorate for Environment (DINAB), held between 29 and 30 June 2023 in Maputo City, the training of technicians of the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA) on the Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Plans in the context of Environmental Management and Biodiversity Offset Management Plans (BOMP) (Module 5), which was attended by 28 partici...


Government technicians from the environment sector of the southern region of Mozambique trained on the importance of mainstreaming Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) into provincial, district and special spatial plans

Views: 634
(June 28, 2023) Training of technicians from the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates and the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment of the southern region (Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane) on the importance of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) for planning, spatial planning and environmental impact assessment of the country took place on 21-22 June 2023 in Maputo City. According to the Decree No. 51/2021 of July 19, KBAs are considered protected areas for birdlife and its habitats, and...


Members of the National Coordination Group for Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) trained in the KBA identification process

Views: 706
(June 21, 2023) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the Project Mainstreaming Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), piloting Blue Carbon, and Strengthening Coral Reef Fisheries in Mozambique funded by SPEED, held between 15 and 16 June 2023 a capacity building workshop to the National Coordination Group of Key Biodiversity Areas, Species and Ecosystem Red Lists, which counted with 24 participants. The workshop was conducted by four WCS Mozambican technicians with experience in KBAs, with the aim of ...


WCS Mozambique participates in World Oceans Day celebrations on TV show

Views: 551
(June 19, 2023) WCS Mozambique was invited by TVM - the Mozambican national TV channel - for an interview on the World Oceans Day. Naseeba J. Sidat, Marine Program Assistant and master's Candidate at the UC Santa Cruz (UCSC) was WCS's representative.   Naseeba pointed out the marine biodiversity richness of Mozambique, where > 100 sharks and rays have been identified to date, 5 sea turtle species, the only viable population of dugong in the Western Indian Ocean, besides relevant populati...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965