In the News

Mozambique shares its experience during the COP 15 parallel session on: Why Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) should be in the global Biodiversity Framework

Views: 856
(December 14, 2022) Governments from around the world are meeting between 7th and 19th December in Montreal, in Canada, at COP15 (the fifteenth United Nations Conference of the Parties on Biological Diversity) to finalise negotiations on the new Global Biodiversity Framework. The Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) community wants the KBAs to be at the centre of this framework, so that plans to increase the protection/conservation of land and marine territory to 30% by 2030 include places that contain significant populat...


Mozambique approves the new Directive on Independent Specialists Reviewers in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for Category A+ activities

Views: 902
(December 12, 2022) On 21st November 2022, the Ministerial Diploma no. 118/2022 was officially published by the Impresa Nacional de Moçambique, which approves the Directive of Independent Specialist Reviewers of Environmental Impact Assessments for Category A+ activities. This is a legal tool, complementary to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which establishes the procedures regarding the registration and intervention of Independent Specialist Reviewers (IEs) in the Environmental Impact Assessment...


Government of Mozambique approves National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032)

Views: 1342
(November 18, 2022) On the 15th of November 2022, the Government of Mozambique approved by Resolution of Council of Ministers, the National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032). This document includes quantitative objectives and clear guidelines to increase knowledge of this important ecosystem in Mozambique and improve its conservation status, as well as the specific actions that are necessary to promote its protection, effective management, and continuous monitoring over th...


New project to map and assess biodiversity launched in Mozambique

Views: 1155
(November 17, 2022) On 16 November, the SBAPP Regional Project was launched in Macaneta, Mozambique in the presence of the Embassy of France. The full project name is ‘Building biodiversity knowledge for action in Southern Africa: Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritization and Planning in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi’. The project objective is to build and strengthen the biodiversity knowledge base for each country and to promote collaboration on biodiversity science in the region. ...


Training for trainers on environmental and social safeguards and community engagement strategies

Views: 1207
(November 16, 2022) WCS brought together for a fortnight its partners of the project Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast (Blue Future), to train the project team on issues that are considered determinant and that WCS always considers in its projects, namely the social and environmental safeguards that must be implemented throughout the project, as well as specific methodologies for interaction with communities. The 2-week event is taking place between 8 and 18 November 2022, a...


Nampula receives training for Government technicians on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (55/2022)

Views: 741
(November 01, 2022) The training of technicians from the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates and the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment from Zambézia and the north of the country on the new Ministerial Diploma for Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique (Diploma 55/2022) took place on 25 and 26 October in the city of Nampula, in Nampula Province. Biodiversity offsets are required by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (Decree 54/2015) and recently regulated by the Biodive...


One BRUVVING awesome shark ID match

Views: 843
(October 11, 2022) In the last week of September this year, a research on sharks and rays taking place in southern Mozambique (Chidenguele) using remote underwater video (BRUVs) recorded a white shark - the first ever recorded in this project that began in 2019 in a partnership between the Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InoM, formerly the National Institute for Fisheries Research - IIP) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The footage revealed that the shark was carrying an external tag (InnovaSea ...


COMBO+ Program provided training in the implementation of the new Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique (Ministerial Diploma 55/2022)

Views: 686
(September 27, 2022) A training workshop for the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates and the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (CTA) of the southern region (Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane) on the implementation of the new Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (Diploma nº 55/2022, published on 19 May this year) took place on 20-21 September in Maputo City. The two-day training was hosted by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) in coordination with the Foundatio...


WCS and partners hold community lecture on awareness and dissemination of the new Regulation of Maritime Fisheries

Views: 661
(September 02, 2022) The National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP, IP) and the Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InOM) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held on the morning of August 31, 2022, at the Community Fishing Center of Bairro dos Pescadores in Maputo City a community lecture on awareness and dissemination of the new Regulation of Maritime Fisheries (Decree 89/2020, REPMAR), which aimed to create capacity of the participants in identifying the prohibited species from capture an...


WCS officially launches the Blue Future project

Views: 1103
(August 23, 2022) The project "Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast, shortly "Blue Future", was officially launched on the 23 August 2022 in Maputo which was preceded, on the 22nd August, by an internal partner workshop where the teams had the opportunity to get to know each other and clarify their responsibilities, ensure that all project members were properly aware of the different components and that they are properly coordinated, and planning the proje...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965