In the News

Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to identify areas to avoid and to implement biodiversity to offsets as part of the intensive training program on the adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambiq

Views: 3
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to identify areas to avoid and to implement biodiversity to offsets as part of the intensive training program on the adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambiq

Views: 2
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to identify areas to avoid and to implement biodiversity to offsets as part of the intensive training program on the adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambiq

Views: 2
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to identify areas to avoid and to implement biodiversity to offsets as part of the intensive training program on the adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambiq

Views: 0
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambique

Views: 1243
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


Technicians from Land and Environment Ministry trained in the use of tools to identify areas to avoid and to implement biodiversity to offsets as part of the intensive training program on the adequate implementation of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambiq

Views: 0
(December 15, 2021) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Program, in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB), and with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD), French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), World Bank/Project MozBio2 and UNDP/BIOSFAC, held on December 6th, in Maputo city, the second module of the intensive training program on the a...


WCS participates in Crescendo Azul Conference

Views: 896
(December 01, 2021) The Government of Mozambique through the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), held on 18th and 19th November, in the city of Vilankulo, Inhambane Province, the 2nd Edition of the Crescendo Azul International Conference under the theme: "Investing in the ocean's health is investing in the future of the planet".  The event had the participation of more than 7382 national and foreign people among which 382 in the presential format, among members of the Governmen...


Mozambican technicians receive training in shark and ray identification

Views: 1086
(December 01, 2021) The National Institute for Fisheries Research (IIP), with the support of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), held a training session for Mozambican technicians for the identification of sharks and rays, between November 23th and 25th, in Maputo City. The training was attended by 33 participants from the fisheries sector (Zambézia, Nampula, and Maputo), academia, Customs, and civil society. This training was part of the activities agreed upon between WCS and MIMAIP under the Memorandum of...


WCS Regional Director visits Mozambique

Views: 764
(November 17, 2021) Mark Gately, WCS Regional Director for East Africa, Madagascar and Western Indian Ocean, recently visited Mozambique, from October 26th to November 6th, as part of the monitoring of WCS Mozambique activities, interaction with national entities and also to evaluate WCS repositioning in the post-Covid period. During his stay in Maputo, Gately held meetings with national entities and WCS partners, both from the Niassa Special Reserve Program, as well as the Marine Program and the Program to Supp...


Elephant 'Mr. President' receives new necklace in the Niassa Special Reserve

Views: 681
(November 11, 2021) The elephant 'Mr. President', which in 2018 received a GPS collar from the hands of the Mozambican President, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, received last week, in the village of Mussoma, in Mecula District, Niassa Province, a new collar as part of the process of placing and/or replacing new collars on 20 elephants, a process that should extend for 2 weeks. Remember that in 2018 the pachyderm was named ‘Mr. President’, name given by the President of the Republic, and in July of this year h...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965