In the News

Niassa Special Reserve celebrates World Wildlife Day

Views: 646
(March 09, 2023) The Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) celebrated World Wildlife Day with an event held at Lichengue Community Primary School in Mecula District attended by 111 people. Participants included community members and leaders, Mecula District Services for Economic Activities (SDAE) representatives, members of the Natural Resources Management Committee and NSR Community Conservation Department staff. Highlights of the celebrations included the planting of 10 native tree ...


COMBO+ program provides training to members of civil society organizations on biodiversity impact mitigation from development projects

Views: 541
(March 03, 2023) The National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND), through the COMBO+ Program, held between February 27 and 28, 2023 in Maputo city, a training to the platforms of civil society organizations (CSOs) on the application of the regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Decree No. 54/2015 of December 31) and the Directive on Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique (Ministe...


Niassa Special Reserve holds lecture on cholera prevention for rangers and staff

Views: 646
(February 28, 2023) WCS recently organised a series of lectures on cholera prevention at the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) headquarters in Mbatamila. This follows a rise in cholera outbreaks across Mozambique and particularly in the Niassa region.     Developed in collaboration with the Mecula Health Centre, the lectures were attended by 70 rangers and NSR staff members. It is envisaged that this awareness raising will equip participants with a thorough knowledge of&nb...


Niassa Special Reserve donates 3 school blackboards

Views: 494
(February 28, 2023) The Niassa Special Reserve recently donated 3 school blackboards to the Mecula District Service of Education, Youth and Technology. Presented by the NSR Warden, Terencio Tamele, the donation will support teaching and learning in Mecula District primary and secondary schools.


Niassa Special Reserve first aid training for rangers and staff

Views: 511
(February 24, 2023) WCS recently organised a training course on basic and emergency first aid for rangers and staff working in Mozambique’s Niassa Special Reserve (NSR). Held at the Reserve headquarters in Mtabamila, the training aimed to equip participants with a thorough knowledge of first aid procedures to use in case of accidents and ballistic wounds. 39 people participated in the training - comprising 37 NSR staff and two members of the Reserve’s Rapid Intervention Unit. The trainin...


Free online course on "Identifying and delineating Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)" now available in Portuguese

Views: 707
(February 14, 2023) The Portuguese version of the course on the identification and delineation of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) was launched on 23 January 2023 on the international online platform for conservation courses ( This new version of the course was developed so that the public interested in KBAs (particularly Portuguese speakers), can expand their knowledge and gain the necessary skills to identify and delineate KBAs consistently to the guidelines of the new global KBA Standard. ...


Mozambique shares its experience during the COP 15 parallel session on: Why Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) should be in the global Biodiversity Framework

Views: 770
(December 14, 2022) Governments from around the world are meeting between 7th and 19th December in Montreal, in Canada, at COP15 (the fifteenth United Nations Conference of the Parties on Biological Diversity) to finalise negotiations on the new Global Biodiversity Framework. The Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) community wants the KBAs to be at the centre of this framework, so that plans to increase the protection/conservation of land and marine territory to 30% by 2030 include places that contain significant populat...


Mozambique approves the new Directive on Independent Specialists Reviewers in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for Category A+ activities

Views: 809
(December 12, 2022) On 21st November 2022, the Ministerial Diploma no. 118/2022 was officially published by the Impresa Nacional de Moçambique, which approves the Directive of Independent Specialist Reviewers of Environmental Impact Assessments for Category A+ activities. This is a legal tool, complementary to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which establishes the procedures regarding the registration and intervention of Independent Specialist Reviewers (IEs) in the Environmental Impact Assessment...


Government of Mozambique approves National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032)

Views: 1179
(November 18, 2022) On the 15th of November 2022, the Government of Mozambique approved by Resolution of Council of Ministers, the National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032). This document includes quantitative objectives and clear guidelines to increase knowledge of this important ecosystem in Mozambique and improve its conservation status, as well as the specific actions that are necessary to promote its protection, effective management, and continuous monitoring over th...


New project to map and assess biodiversity launched in Mozambique

Views: 1041
(November 17, 2022) On 16 November, the SBAPP Regional Project was launched in Macaneta, Mozambique in the presence of the Embassy of France. The full project name is ‘Building biodiversity knowledge for action in Southern Africa: Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritization and Planning in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi’. The project objective is to build and strengthen the biodiversity knowledge base for each country and to promote collaboration on biodiversity science in the region. ...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965