In the News

New KBA projects promoted by WCS in Mozambique

Views: 855
(June 23, 2022) WCS Mozambique continues to invest on identifying Key Biodiversity Areas and supporting Red List Assessments that will inform biodiversity assessments, prioritization and planning, and support the implementation of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in the country. In 2019, Mozambique started one of the first KBAs assessments worldwide which was applied to the whole country, including terrestrial and marine realms, assessing ecosystems, flora and fauna, including invertebrates. Impor...


WCS offers communication material to the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries

Views: 586
(June 12, 2022) WCS has offered communication material to the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), in an event held as part of the celebrations of the World Ocean Day (June 8th). The communication material consists of 14 Rollups on the Regulation of Protected Marine Species (REPMAR), and the delivery was made by the Country Director of WCS Mozambique, Afonso Madope, to the Minister of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Lídia de Fátima Cardoso. Thus, WCS has strengthened its commit...


WCS and Shark Conservation Fund work together to protect shark and ray species in Mozambique

Views: 748
(June 08, 2022) Southern Mozambique (SWIO) is a hotspot for shark and ray biodiversity, yet some of these species are threatened with extinction, or classified as data deficient (meaning there is insufficient data to assess their conservation status). A project has therefore been initiated through funding provided by the Shark Conservation Fund to contribute to improving the conservation status of threatened shark and ray species in Mozambique, through a combination of policy and on-the-ground conservation init...


A collaborative project to strengthen spatial biodiversity assessment, prioritization and planning in Southern Africa

Views: 533
(June 08, 2022) On 7 June 2022, in the presence of the French Ambassador to South Africa, SANBI signed a financial agreement with Agence Française de Développement to implement a spatial biodiversity assessment, prioritisation and planning project (SBAPP).  Mapping the occurrence and status of species and ecosystems in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi will produce information that assists in the development of national strategies and action plans to ensure biodiversity is integrated into the...


Innovation on Biodiversity Conservation in Mozambique: New Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets approved by Mozambican Government

Views: 1538
(June 01, 2022) On 19th May 2022, the Ministerial Diploma 55/2022 on the implementation of Biodiversity Offsets was published in the Mozambican Official Gazette. This legal instrument arises as a requirement of the Environmental Impact Regulation (Decree 54/2015 of 31 December) and will now enable the Government of Mozambique to ensure that development projects of category A+ or A that cause residual negative impacts on biodiversity considered very important (e.g. threatened species or ecosystems) implement bio...


Mozambique launches its new Biodiversity Information System (SIBMOZ)

Views: 1114
(May 31, 2022) On May 23, 2022, at a public ceremony chaired by H.E. Fernando de Sousa, Vice Minister of Land and Environment, the new Biodiversity Information System of Mozambique (SIBMOZ) was officially launched. This pioneer tool for the country was developed between 2021 and 2022 through a partnership between the National Directorate of Environment, under the Ministry of Land and Environment, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which developed the concept with support from SPEED program...


The CONNECT project products and the second phase of the COMBO+ programme officially launched.

Views: 696
(May 25, 2022) The official launch ceremony of the CONNECT project products - and the second phase of the COMBO+ program took place yesterday in Maputo. The products comprise the Mozambique Biodiversity Information System (SIBMOZ), Online Environmental Licensing and Auditing Management System (SGLA) and a new standard form to support evaluation of Environmental Impact Studies. WCS was the technical partner for this work. The event was attended by more than 230 people (around 70 in person and more than 160 v...


The new appointed Niassa Special Reserve Warden was introduced to the local traditionals leaders

Views: 625
(April 18, 2022) Within the spirit of the Co-Management Agreement recently signed between WCS and Government of Mozambique, a new warden was appointed since last February to take the leadership of the Niassa Special Reserve Management. Mr. Terêncio Tamele was introduced to the community authorities of Mecula District about two weeks ago and that was attended by more than 10 community leaders at 5º Congresso region. The main objectives of this meeting were the opening of effective communication cha...


Training on Protected Shark & Ray species to Government, Fishers and other stakeholders

Views: 561
(April 11, 2022) Under the Western Indian Ocean Shark & Ray Program which includes Mozambique, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) supported the National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP) from the Ministry of Sea, Interior Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP) to hold an awareness and dissemination meeting on the new Maritime Fisheries Regulation (Decree 89/2020, REPMAR) in Maputo City on 8 April 2022. The main objective was to inform attendees on the content of Article 145 on Minimum ...


Terêncio Tamele, new Warden of the Niassa Special Reserve, is received in Mbatamila

Views: 979
(February 15, 2022) The Niassa Special Reserve (REN) received today its new Warden, the Chief Superintendent of Police, Terêncio Artur Tamele, in Mbatamila (NSR's headquarters) in the presence of provincial and district authorities, as well as REN staff. Warden Terêncio Tamele (on right position) receiving the ownership documents from the hands of José Sitoe, NSR Law Enforcement Manager Note that Terêncio Artur Tamele was appointed by order of the Minister of Land and Environment of the 28th of Janu...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965