In the News

Niassa Special Reserve brings 2 pangolins back to the wild

Views: 573
(November 15, 2023) The Niassa Special Reserve recently brought back to the wild two pangolins found by communities in the Marrupa and Mavago Districts. In Marrupa, this occurred in October, when a 4-year-old boy named Luis César, who lives in the Mualawamaka neighbourhood in the Marrupa district, saw a pangolin while playing with his friends and immediately told his parents. The parents, in turn, told the community leaders, who immediately tried to round up and protect the animal. José Sitoe, Head of Law...


National experts assess the conservation status of coastal plant species

Views: 657
(November 01, 2023) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in partnership with the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB), as part of the Mainstreaming Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), Piloting Blue Carbon, and Strengthening Coral Reef Fisheries in Mozambique project funded by SPEED+, has been supporting assessment of the conservation status of 30 coastal plant species since October 5, 2023, by applying the criteria of the International Union for ...


WCS and local government authorities meet to harmonise procedures

Views: 583
(October 25, 2023) WCS and the National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP, IP), Nampula Delegation, under the Future Blue Project, held a meeting in Nacala with the aim of having the Community Fisheries Councils (CCPs) more involved in their own revitalization processes, as well as in the creation of Community-Managed Fishing Areas (APGCs). It also aimed to provide an opportunity for cooperation partners and government institutions to coordinate actions to increase their impact on coastal communities. The meeting...


Niassa Special Reserve conducts rabies vaccination and sterilization on domestic dogs

Views: 529
(October 13, 2023) Between 28 September and 6 October, the vaccination campaign of dogs against rabies and sterilization of dogs was carried out in the districts of Mecula and Mavago, which included domestic dogs and cats. A total of 165 dogs of the 315 registered by the Guardians Teams (MOMS) of 155 owners were vaccinated, corresponding to 53% of the canine population within the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR). For this year the theme of the campaign was 'rabies: all for 1, one health for all'. This act...


Environmental Impact Assessment Authority establishes Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets

Views: 565
(October 09, 2023) The National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) and its partners in the COMBO+ Program, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), held the first meeting to establish the Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets, in Maputo City, attended by 19 participants from different sectors. The Ministerial Order 55/2022 of 19 May, which regulates the matter of Biodiversity Offsets, calls for the creation of this Te...


WCS Mozambique brings together different actors to discuss possible solutions to reduce bycatch of marine species

Views: 548
(October 03, 2023) Mozambique's coastal waters are home of at least 132 species of sharks and rays, 29 marine mammals and five sea turtles, of which more than 60 or 61% are threatened with extinction in the near future. Bycatch in small-scale fisheries has been identified as a high priority threat to 90% of the threatened marine wildlife species that occur in Mozambique and small-scale fishermen are responsible for around 85% of the country's total marine fish catch.  To help reduce or eliminat...


Blue Future project team Introduces Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) in Munhohola Community

Views: 600
(September 26, 2023) In a continuing effort to strengthen relationships with project communities and promote marine conservation, the Blue Future implementation team and WCS East Africa regional social safeguard coordinator, conducted a significant outreach event in Munhohola community, in Nampula Province, North of Mozambique. With an unwavering commitment to transparency and including local voices, the team organized a special meeting in Munhohola on September 11. The primary focus of the event was to intr...


Mozambique government and partners met to select the priority components of coastal and marine biodiversity in the northern Mozambique Channel

Views: 719
(September 19, 2023) The National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB), in partnership with the COMBO+ Programme [led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in coordination with the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND)], as part of the initiative for Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Resources in the North of the Mozambique Channel (NoCaMo), and Fauna & Flora (FF), held a seminar on 12 September 2023 in the city of Maputo. The seminar focused on the selection of priority com...


Local entities and fishing communities of Zalala beach better informed about REPMAR

Views: 593
(August 11, 2023) Following the activities that the WCS marine team is developing in Zalala Beach, in partnership with the fishing sector authorities (InOM - Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique and ADNAP - National Fisheries Administration), the fishing community of Zalala Beach and the Lacustrine and Fluvial Coastal Police organised, on 09 August, a meeting to raise awareness and disseminate the Regulation of Maritime Fisheries (REPMAR) regarding the protected and prohibited species under the same document. ...


WCS Mozambique, local government and fishing communities discuss challenges and solutions for more sustainable artisanal fisheries at Zalala beach

Views: 704
(August 11, 2023) The WCS Mozambique marine programme team is in Zambezia Province developing activities with the institutions of the fisheries sector and the fishing community of Zalala Beach on good fishing practices and specifically shark fishing. Over the next few days the team will meet with various community groups (women, fishermen, traders) to discuss the situation of the shark fishery with a greater focus on the capture of juvenile sharks. Naseeba Sidat, Marine Programme Assistant, speaking wit...


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