In the News

WCS partners carry out activities under the COMBO Programme

Views: 371
(August 14, 2024) Portucel Mozambique recently received a visit from representatives of the company Kenmare Resources. This visit aimed to understand how Portucel Mozambique includes the theme biodiversity in the development of its project. Portucel has announced its activities to prevent potential negative impacts and ensure respect for the values of biodiversity. Communities are involved, to promote their knowledge and socio-economic development and thus contribute to a greater resilience of the environment ...


Mozambique drafts new national Biodiversity targets to meet the ambition of the Global Biodiversity Framework, Kunming-Montreal

Views: 644
(July 30, 2024) A technical workshop (in the form of a retreat) was held from 23 to 25 July 2024 in Ponta do Ouro, Maputo Province, with a view to drafting the new national biodiversity targets and the respective indicators, aligning them with the new Kumning-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in an inclusive and participatory approach with representation from different players, public, private, civil society and others. The workshop was organised by the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB), ...


Mission in Zalala Beach Leads to Development of Steps for implementing a support project for sustainable fishing

Views: 531
(July 30, 2024) The WCS Project Assistant Jorge Sitoe, Naseeba Sidat and WCS Technical Advisor Brian Smith and InOM-Zambezia technician Dionisio Pires accompanied by the CCP representative, conducted an 18-day mission between June 10 and 28, 2024, in Zalala Beach and generating plans for implementing a support project to foster more sustainable fishing practices. The mission encompassed mapping fishing patterns along the Zalala Beach coastline, diagnostic studies to assess the current situation of the fishin...


Empowering Fishing Communities for Sustainable Conservation: The Zalala Beach Project

Views: 439
(July 23, 2024) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) the Mozambican Oceanographic Institute (InOM), and the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) collaborated to protect shark and ray populations in Zalala Beach. The project titled "Supporting fishing communities to safeguard their livelihoods and conserve shark and ray populations in Zalala Beach, Mozambique," implemented in 2023, involved fishing communities, local government, and academia in designing sustainable fishing practices. W...


Strengthening the Implementation of the Niassa Special Reserve (11th July 2024)

Views: 545
(July 16, 2024) On 11 July  Luthando Dziba, WCS Regional Director for East Africa, Madagascar and the Western Indian Ocean, accompanied by Afonso Madope, WCS Mozambique Country Director, and John Guernier, Niassa Special Reserve Field Operation Manager, met with the Mozambican Government on the implementation of the Niassa Special Reserve Programme (NSR) and with the European Union delegation in Maputo (EEUU). During those meetings, the team discussed the WCS Programme in Mozambique, the US-funded project ...


Mozambique's Fishery Inspectors Empowered to Identify Export-Susceptible Species of Sharks and Rays

Views: 480
(July 11, 2024) WCS conducted training for 25 inspectors from the National Fish Inspection Institute (INIP) and a technician from the Natural History Museum. Participants from Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Nampula, Zambézia, and Cabo Delgado attended the intensive session in Maputo City on July 8-9, 2024. The training, titled "Identification of Export-Susceptible Species of Sharks and Rays (Including Species Listed in CITES, CMS, IOTC, and Protected at National Level under REPMAR)," was led by reno...


WCS and partners continue their research using BRUVs in Maputo National Park

Views: 568
WCS and partners continue their research using BRUVs in Maputo National Park
(July 08, 2024) The Mozambique Oceanographic Institute (InOM), in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society, the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, and Maputo National Park, has been sampling using baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs) in Maputo National Park, which is also an Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) since 2 July.  BRUV frame being picked up after filming   This sampling is part of an initiative called Global FinPrint, which brings together res...


Mozambique creates technical capacity to estimate biodiversity losses and gains for the implementation of biodiversity offsets

Views: 438
(July 03, 2024) The COMBO+ Program, a partnership between the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS-Mozambique) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), brought to Maputo Professor Martine Maron from the University of Queensland to train 47 technicians from the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) Biodiversity Offset Assessment and Monitoring Office (RAACB), representatives from the Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Commission (CT...


The Ministry of Land and Environment launches Mozambique’s historical vegetation map and red List of Ecosystem assessment

Views: 867
(June 26, 2024) As of June 20th 2024, Mozambique has an updated and detailed vegetation map and an assessment of ecosystems' conservation status. The vegetation map was launched by the Minister of Land and Environment, Ivete Maibaze, at the opening of the institution's 5th Coordinating Council, which was held under the slogan "Towards a Sustainable and Integrated Management of the Miombo Forest".  Ivete Maibaze, Minister of Land and Environment, lauching Mozambique’s historic...


Blue Future website launched at the Marine Biodiversity Conference in Nacala

Views: 510
(June 24, 2024) This week, the second annual Mozambique Marine Biodiversity Conference opened its doors in Nacala-Porto. Organized by BIOFUND with the support of WCS Mozambique team, and a long roster of partner organizations and government agencies, the event saw of 500 in-person attendees and expert panellists and 6000 online participants from around the world and across sectors, all convening in recognition of the incredible importance of Mozambique’s marine biodiversity and urging continued ambition t...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965