The National Coordination Group (NCG) for Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and Red Lists of species and ecosystems held its second ordinary meeting on November 25, 2024 at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) offices in Maputo City. A total of 30 members took part in the meeting, 11 of whom attended in person and 19 virtually via the Teams platform, including representatives from the government, NGOs, the private sector, academia and independent members.
Part of the members of National Coordination Group (NCG)
The meeting was chaired by the National Director for the Environment, Guilhermina Amurane (Chair of the NCG), who has led the group since it was formally established in 2019 to coordinate, at national level, any process related to the Key Biodiversity Areas and the Red List of species and ecosystems.
The aim of the meeting was to carry out an annual review of activities implemented by the group during 2024. In this context, five KBA proposals for the coastal area were presented, namely: Pemba, Janga, Závora, Chidenguele and Pomene. These proposals were developed by the NCG secretariat and submitted to the KBA focal points within the NCG for review. Subsequently, the five proposals were submitted to the regional KBA focal point and are currently being reviewed. Also in the context of the annual review, a progress report was presented on the inventory of primary biological data on species and socio-economic data in Morrumbala and Panda-Mawayela.
Members of National Coordination Group (NCG) during the meeting
These data are inventoried as part of the regional SBAPP (Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritization and Planning) project, which aims to assess the conservation status of species and ecosystems by applying the IUCN Red List criteria and categories. These assessments may serve as the basis for identifying a new network of KBAs and carrying out spatial planning for biodiversity. Also, during this meeting Natural History Museum presented a self-application to manage primary biodiversity data through the BioNoMo platform. Lastly, the meeting also discussed the need to elect new NCG focal points. All the topics presented were debated and discussed by the group and, finally, the next steps were defined.
Find here more information about the Mozambique NCG.
Find here more information on KBAs in Mozambique.
Find here more information about the IUCN Red List of Species in Mozambique.
Find here more information about the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems in Mozambique