In the News

Progressing in the Conservation of Sharks and Manta Ray in the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO)

Views: 1132
(June 22, 2019) Between May 9th and 19th, WCS Mozambique and the National Fisheries Research Institute (INP) conducted in the Inhambane Province the data collection of sharks and manta rays using stereo-BRUVs system.  This research was developed along the coast of the Inhambane Province, from the north of Tofo Beach to the south of Závora Beach and involved 4 researchers, two from the WCS and other two from the Fisheries Research National Institute. The Marine Program in Mozambique has as its genera...


Training and workshop on red listing

Views: 1096
(June 19, 2019) Under the Red List of Threatened Species, Identification and Mapping of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Mozambique led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in partnership with the National Environment Directorate (DINAB) of the Ministry of Land, Environment and Development Rural Fund, funded by USAID through the SPEED + Program, these entities will hold a training and technical workshop from June 18th to 21th, in which global assessments of endemic species of Amphibians, Reptiles, freshwa...


No elephants poached in a year at Mozambique's Niassa wildlife park

Views: 913
(June 18, 2019) Niassa Reserve, one of the biggest wildlife parks in Africa, marked a year without losing a single elephant to the poachers. Up to 4,000 of the animals roam the Mozambique park, which covers more land than Switzerland. 


Zero elephants poached in a year in top Africa wildlife park

Views: 867
(June 18, 2019) One of Africa’s largest wildlife preserves is marking a year without a single elephant found killed by poachers, which experts call an extraordinary development in an area larger than Switzerland where thousands of the animals have been slaughtered in recent years.


TRUMPETING SUCCESS FOR ELEPHANTS: WCS and Partners Have Registered Zero Cases of Elephant Poaching in Mozambique’s Niassa Reserve for a Full Year

Views: 2269
(June 17, 2019) Before 2015, reserve had lost thousands of elephants due to rampant organized poaching; From 2015-2017 poaching numbers declined with an average of 100 elephants killed each year; Success is due to multiple factors:Partnership with the Government of Mozambique and concession operators on the ground in Niassa;Deployment of a special police rapid intervention unit;Increased aviation program providing surveillance and the deployment of a helicopter and Cessna aircraft;Tougher sentencing of poachers...


Mozambique Marine Conservation

Views: 2677
(June 07, 2019) For many years, WCS’s Global Marine Program has worked in the Mozambican Channel and the wider Western Indian Ocean (WIO). These areas help comprise a regional program that includes Madagascar and the coastal areas of Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, where communities depend on the health and productivity of reefs, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems for fishing, agriculture, and tourism.  The region is a global hotspot of marine biodiversity. It has been identified as the largest collec...


Niassa Reserve celebrates one year without a single elephant poached

Views: 1502
(May 29, 2019) The announcement on Monday of events celebrating Mozambique’s National Administration of Conservation Areas’ eighth birthday on Saturday, June 1, formed the backdrop for the revelation that Niassa Special Reserve, the country’s largest, is also celebrating a milestone – a year without a single elephant dying at the hand of poachers. The ANAC noted in the statement a “significant reduction in elephant poaching in the country, especially in the Niassa National Reserve...


Celebrating the World Workers Day in the Niassa National Reserve.

Views: 1086
(May 02, 2019) The Niassa National Reserve (NNR) celebrated World Workers' Day yesterday at a parade ceremony held at the headquarters of the District of Mecula in Niassa Province.NNR participated with 75 employees among rangers, administrative staff and senior managers.The the slogan for this year was "Our Commitment is to Promote Sustainable and Integrated Management of Natural Resources".Thus, NNR workers reiterate their commitment with civil society to continue working together to improve the conservation ...


Analysis of the report on the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in Conservation Areas

Views: 1197
(May 02, 2019) Dr Ebenezer Kwasi Agbley presenting the main points from his initial report on elaborating a tourism development strategy for conservation areas in Mozambique. Mr. James Bampton, WCS Mozambique participated, seen here sitting beside Mr. Cornelio Miguel, previous Warden of Niassa Reserve and currently ANAC's focal point for Transfrontier Conservation Areas, of which Niassa Reserve is one with Selous Game reserve in Tanzania.


Niassa National Reserve: a future eden for elephants?

Views: 2443
(April 29, 2019) The Niassa National Reserve in northern Mozambique is one of Africa’s largest (442,300 km2) wildest, and most spectacular landscapes, comprising 28% of Mozambique’s protected land. A globally important site for African biodiversity, Niassa contains the largest extant blocks of miombo woodland - dotted by enormous inselbergs soaring hundreds of metres high - within a single protected area. The Reserve harbors some of Mozambique’s most significant populations of wildlife, includi...


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