In the News

Reserva Nacional do Niassa recebe livros do Projecto Colectânea de Livros de Autores Moçambicanos do MPDC

Views: 1227
(December 09, 2019) A Reserva Nacional do Niassa (RNN) recebeu esta tarde (09/12), em Maputo, livros do Projecto Colectânea de Livros de Autores Moçambicanos do Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC). O Projecto Colectânea de Livros de Autores Moçambicanos do MPDC tem como objectivo a distribuição gratuita por escolas e bibliotecas públicas, promovendo desta forma o acesso à literatura e cultura moçambicanas. Do lote de livros entregues duas escolas ser&a...


Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in Mozambique

Views: 2197
(December 02, 2019) Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity in terrestrial, freshwater, marine and subterranean systems, and these are identified using the KBA Global Standard (IUCN, 2016).  In September 2016, several of the world’s leading nature conservation organizations, including the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), launched the Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) Partnership to implement the new KBA global standard, which signific...


WCS Statement on Dr. Carlos Lopes Pereira Winning the Tusk Conservation Award – The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa

Views: 1333
(November 25, 2019) Dr. Carlos Lopes Pereira was honored with a lifetime achievement award; he serves as Director of Protection and Law Enforcement Services within the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) in MozambiqueNiassa National Reserve has experienced a remarkable turnaround with no reports of elephant poaching in the past 18 months due to better law and enforcement and surveillance efforts.The following statement is from Dr. John Robinson, WCS Executive Vice President for Conservati...


WCS participates in the Workshop to present the Communication Strategy to the Conservation Areas.

Views: 1071
(November 16, 2019) WCS participated on 12th November, in Maputo City, in the workshop of Communication Strategy for Conservation of the Biodiversity in Conservation Areas, which is being led by the Conservation Areas National Administration (ANAC), in partnership with the SPEED + project.  The event was marked by the overall presentation of the strategy, made by the project consultant, which focused on the strategic objectives embodied in it, namely: capitalizing on communication to achieve the results of ANA...


Final Evaluation Meeting COMBO Project

Views: 1150
(November 01, 2019) The Society for the Conservation of Nature (WCS Mozambique) - will hold from 4 to 8 November, in Ponta de Ouro - Maputo Province, an international workshop aimed at the final evaluation of the Project “Conservation, Impact Mitigation and Biodiversity Counterbalances in Africa” (COMBO Project), for the period 2016-2019. The COMBO Project aims to reconcile economic development with biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services and is being implemented in Mozambique through a Me...


WCS attends Global Wildlife Programme South Africa Conference

Views: 1313
(October 31, 2019) The WCS Mozambique Country Director Mr. James Bampton is attending the 3rd annual Global Wildlife Programme South Africa Conference in Pretoria, representing WCS Global. Mozambique is represented in this event by Mr. Mateus Mutemba, General Director of ANAC, Mr. Pejul Sebastião, Law Enforcement ANAC, and Lolita Hilário, PNUD. The 2019 conference is taking place under the theme Investing in the Wildlife Economy for Livelihoods and Conservation and comprises technical discussions, i...


Reserva Nacional do Niassa celebra hoje 65 anos desde a sua criação

Views: 1607
(October 09, 2019) O Reserva Nacional do Niassa celebra hoje 65 anos de existência. Esta foi estabelecida em 1954 para proteger uma área de quase 100.000 km2 contra a proliferação da caça. Em Outubro do mesmo ano, com o objectivo de promover a protecção de espécies selvagens nativas desta parte do norte do país, foi criada a Reserva de Caça do Niassa.Em 1960, foi reconhecida como uma reserva de caça parcial e suas fronteiras formais foram ...


WCS receives a bus from UNDP under the PROBIO project.

Views: 1230
(October 03, 2019) As part of the project “Strengthening the Conservation of Globally Endangered Species in Mozambique through Improved Biodiversity Law Enforcement and Expansion of Community Conservation Areas in the Protected Areas and Buffer Zones”, an award was made today (02/10/2019) of a TATA-branded bus by the United Nations Development Program in Mozambique (UNDP) to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The event was chaired by Mr. Francisco Roquette, UNDP Deputy Representative and James Ba...


Mozambique painted dog populations

Views: 2042
(September 23, 2019) A study by TwoCan Conservation shows that Mozambique has a population of approximately 600 adult mabecos, of which between 300 and 350 have their habitat in the Niassa National Reserve.Remember that the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) is the emblematic animal of the Niassa National Reserve (printed on its logo) and is a species of canid found only on the African continent, especially in savannah and lightly wooded areas. They are cunning predators that live and hunt in packs of up to 40 individ...


Health education in Niassa National Reserve

Views: 1139
(September 19, 2019) A brazilian team of Medical Professors from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Holy House of Mercy of Porto Alegre  and Unilasalle, led by the Director of the Faculty of Forest and Faunal Resources Management at the Catholic University of Mozambique in Lichinga, Felipe Andre Angst, visited the headquarters of the Niassa National Reserve from September 15th to 18th with the aim of establishing a first contact to start collaborative programs in the field of pu...


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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965