"Gilé: Switching to Coexist" is the title of the documentary presented in Maputo as part of a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Italian NGO COSV, aimed to enhance the financial sustainability and biodiversity preservation of the Gilé National Reserve in the Zambezia Province.
The short film focuses on areas such as environmental education, the challenges and potentials in the Reserve, sustainable innovation, local participation through Management Committees and good biodiversity conservation practices.
What has changed with the project
- Repopulation of flora and fauna 50 zebras and 50 wildebeest (received from Niassa Reserve);
- Health poaching reduction
- Reforestation and deforestation reduction;
- More economic opportunities around the reserve;
- Climate change mitigation; and
- Increasing financial sustainability of ecotourism conservation and emergency zones.
The partnership between the National Conservation Area Administration (ANAC), Carbon Sink, IGF and COSV over the past few years have changed the Reserve, according to those present at the presentation who also participated in the debate. Community involvement was central and a population of over 3500 people, living around the Reserve has become part of what the Reserve is today and is a central part of its management and preservation.
WCS Mozambique was represented by James Bampton (Country Director), Naseeba Sidat (COMBO Program) and Eleutério Duarte.
Credits: European Union Mozambique