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Entries for August 2019

Natural Gas for Economic Transformation and Inclusive Growth: how to prevent the resource curse in Mozambique

Views: 1247
(August 30, 2019) WCS participated on 29th August in a meeting related to natural gas exploration organized by WWF Mozambique and their partners, in Maputo City.This meeting takes place in a context where Mozambique was hailed as the new Qatar after oil companies announced giant gas finds off the coast of Cabo Delgado at the beginning of the decade. For business people, the natural resource boom offered the potential of huge profits. For the ordinary people of Mozambique, the owners of the resources, it offered t...


Mozambique and CITES signed European Union-funded MIKE Project

Views: 1296
(August 29, 2019) The Director-General of ANAC, Mateus Mutemba, and the CITES Secretary General, Ivonne Higuero, signed on 28th August the European Union-funded MIKE Project, during the COP 18, in Geneve. This is the second phase of the implementation of the MIKE Program in Mozambique and especially in the Niassa National Reserve. Credits: #ANACThe Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) Programme has been implemented since 2001 by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wil...


Niassa National Reserve in FACIM 2019

Views: 1086
(August 29, 2019) Niassa National Reserve is participating in FACIM 2019 (Trade Fair) integrated in the Niassa Province Delegation. The event will take place between 26th August and 1st September, in Marracuene, Maputo Province.  For this year Niassa National Reserve is exhibiting some local products such as honey and crop plants (marupi and mapira). FACIM is a multi-sector oral Trade Fair in Mozambique being organized by APIEX – Institute fir Support to Export – which seeks to facilitate the con...


CITES CoP18 - Mozambique participation

Views: 912
(August 26, 2019) Participation of Mozambique in the 18th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP18).Credits: #ANAC


Say ‘Oi Niassa’ to Lichinga’s brand new peanut butter factory – Mozambique

Views: 1215
(August 26, 2019) A peanut butter factory has just been set up in Lichinga, the capital of Niassa province in northern Mozambique, as part of an initiative by the community organisation ESTAMOS, to reward the efforts of communities growing peanuts in the Niassa National Reserve buffer zone.The project was funded with about 1.4 million meticais (around US$25,190 at current exchange rates) provided by US Embassy in Mozambique, which was invested in production equipment for the factory and a fund to train the workfo...


Sub-Regional Meeting of the MAB National Committees Africa

Views: 887
(August 22, 2019) The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development, Sheila Santana Afonso, presided on 21st August at Afrin Hotel in Maputo, the official opening ceremony of the Sub-Regional Meeting of the MAB National Committees (Men and Biosphere) Africa, which runs until 23th August, under the theme "Promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Southern Africa through the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program".The meeting aims, among other things, to assess the degree of implementati...


Validation of a rapid conservation assessment tool for miombo forests

Views: 925
(August 22, 2019) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), as part of the implementation of the COMBO project, held a workshop in partnership with the Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BIOFUND) and the Center for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (CEAGRE), with the theme: “ Validation of a Miombo Forests Conservation - rapid assessment tool” on 19th August 2019 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, in Maputo City.The objective of the meeting was to determine the best way to measure miombo status in...


Refresher Training of Procurement and Payment Processes

Views: 860
(August 22, 2019) WCS Mozambique staff met at its headquarters in Maputo on 16th August to discuss the mechanisms of procurement and budget management processes.  This meeting emerged from the extreme importance of insight and harmonization of management processes within the organization as new procurement and payment paradigms are being introduced with the aim of creating more transparency and flexibility in processes. This meeting was led by the Budget and Procurement Manager and was attended by representa...


Gile Reserve: Switching to Coexist

Views: 1279
(August 22, 2019) "Gilé: Switching to Coexist" is the title of the documentary presented in Maputo as part of a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Italian NGO COSV, aimed to enhance the financial sustainability and biodiversity preservation of the Gilé National Reserve in the Zambezia Province. The short film focuses on areas such as environmental education, the challenges and potentials in the Reserve, sustainable innovation, local participation through Management Committee...


Number of elephants in Mozambique stabilises at 10,800

Views: 4742
(August 21, 2019) Mozambique has an estimated population of 10,800 elephants, a number that has remained stable over the past five years despite threats to the species, the National Conservation Areas Administration (ANAC) said today in a statement.“The preliminary survey results indicate an estimated 10,800 elephants. The population in the country has been stable since the 2014 data collection,” Carlos Lopes Pereira, ANAC’s Director of Protection and Enforcement, said.The African elephant is cl...


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