Entries for February 2023
(February 28, 2023)
WCS recently organised a series of lectures on cholera prevention at the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) headquarters in Mbatamila. This follows a rise in cholera outbreaks across Mozambique and particularly in the Niassa region.
Developed in collaboration with the Mecula Health Centre, the lectures were attended by 70 rangers and NSR staff members. It is envisaged that this awareness raising will equip participants with a thorough knowledge of&nb...
(February 28, 2023)
The Niassa Special Reserve recently donated 3 school blackboards to the Mecula District Service of Education, Youth and Technology.
Presented by the NSR Warden, Terencio Tamele, the donation will support teaching and learning in Mecula District primary and secondary schools.
(February 24, 2023)
WCS recently organised a training course on basic and emergency first aid for rangers and staff working in Mozambique’s Niassa Special Reserve (NSR).
Held at the Reserve headquarters in Mtabamila, the training aimed to equip participants with a thorough knowledge of first aid procedures to use in case of accidents and ballistic wounds. 39 people participated in the training - comprising 37 NSR staff and two members of the Reserve’s Rapid Intervention Unit.
The trainin...
(February 14, 2023)
The Portuguese version of the course on the identification and delineation of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) was launched on 23 January 2023 on the international online platform for conservation courses (conservationtraining.org). This new version of the course was developed so that the public interested in KBAs (particularly Portuguese speakers), can expand their knowledge and gain the necessary skills to identify and delineate KBAs consistently to the guidelines of the new global KBA Standard.