The National Fisheries Administration (ADNAP, IP) and the Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InOM) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held on the morning of August 31, 2022, at the Community Fishing Center of Bairro dos Pescadores in Maputo City a community lecture on awareness and dissemination of the new Regulation of Maritime Fisheries (Decree 89/2020, REPMAR), which aimed to create capacity of the participants in identifying the prohibited species from capture and the protected species listed in Annexes XI and XIII of REPMAR, with greater emphasis on sharks and rays.

About 90 people participated in this meeting, including institutions linked to the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), the Coastal, Lacustrine and River Police, members of the Community Fisheries Councils (CCP) from Bairro dos Pescadores, Muntanhana, and Macaneta, fishermen, fish sellers, and various strategic partners linked to the sea sector and civil society organizations.