In the News

Entries for September 2019

Mozambique painted dog populations

Views: 1998
(September 23, 2019) A study by TwoCan Conservation shows that Mozambique has a population of approximately 600 adult mabecos, of which between 300 and 350 have their habitat in the Niassa National Reserve.Remember that the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) is the emblematic animal of the Niassa National Reserve (printed on its logo) and is a species of canid found only on the African continent, especially in savannah and lightly wooded areas. They are cunning predators that live and hunt in packs of up to 40 individ...


Health education in Niassa National Reserve

Views: 1101
(September 19, 2019) A brazilian team of Medical Professors from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Holy House of Mercy of Porto Alegre  and Unilasalle, led by the Director of the Faculty of Forest and Faunal Resources Management at the Catholic University of Mozambique in Lichinga, Felipe Andre Angst, visited the headquarters of the Niassa National Reserve from September 15th to 18th with the aim of establishing a first contact to start collaborative programs in the field of pu...


Holiday lights - Niassa National Reserve

Views: 906
(September 19, 2019)  Credits: Philip Mclellan

Mozambique; Rhino horn trafficker sentenced to 15 years in jail

Views: 854
(September 19, 2019) Maputo Judicial Court has sentenced a Chinese citizen to 15 years in prison for trafficking rhino horns.Source: http://https//


Ministry orders halt to sale of ivory souvenirs

Views: 862
(September 19, 2019) The Ministry of Environment of Cambodja has issued a total of 59 notices to souvenir vendors in the capital and Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk provinces instructing them to halt the selling of sculptures made of elephant ivory or rhinoceros horns and all forms of trade involving wild animals.Source:


National Plan for Territorial Development (PNDT)

Views: 1267
(September 17, 2019) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) participated in the third public consultation, as part of the preparation of the National Plan for Territorial Development (PNDT), held in August, which took place in Ponta do Ouro, Matutuine District, Maputo Province.The event consisted of the presentation of the preliminary technical proposal, action plan and the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (AASE).Under the MoU with MITADER for technical support on biodiversity issues, WCS has been invo...


Crossed glances between human being and the ocean

Views: 937
(September 17, 2019) Mozambique has an incredible Marine Biodiversity that is rich for economic and tourism development, but also a challenge. This is the reason that Biofund (WCS Mozambique partner) and French Embassy are organizing exhibition of documentaries and workshops to discuss how to reconcile economic and human activities and the preservation of marine biodiversity in Mozambique.One of the great moments of the event will be the screening of the documentary “Mother Ocean”, as part of the collabo...


Ruvuma River: For People and Nature

Views: 3691
(September 17, 2019) The Ruvuma trans-boundary landscape, shared between Mozambique and Tanzania, is possibly the most important intact and relatively unfragmented remaining space for wildlife in Africa. But it is not just for wildlife; it is home to over 8 million people who depend on the Miombo forests, Coastal Forests Rivers and the lake of the region for natural resources and environmental services that sustain their livelihoods. With existing trans-border agreements and national policies there is opportuni...


Training in CEDAR (SMART platform)

Views: 1093
(September 02, 2019) Niassa National Reserve hosted a training about field data collection improvement for the Law Enforcement sector from 29th August to 29th September, in Mbatamila, Mecula District, in Niassa Province. This training was taught by SMART Technician (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting) Valdemar Jonasse and was attended by 20 rangers. This is the first group of rangers covered by the training and until December 2019 NNR expects to cover all rangers. Niassa National Reserve introduced the SMART since 201...




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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965