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Entries for June 2021

WCS signs memorandum of understanding with the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries Ministry (MIMAIP)

Views: 1151
(June 08, 2021) WCS signed today (8th June), in Maputo, a memorandum of understanding with the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries Ministry (MIMAIP) following the extended public audition on the preparation of the maritime spatial plan (POEM), which coincides with World Oceans Day, celebrated today.The agreement was signed by the WCS Mozambique Country Director, Afonso Madope, and the Permanent Secretary of MIMAIP, Xavier Munjovo, and its main objective is to establish the mechanisms of collaboration between the p...


Training in Wildlife Poisoning - Incident Assessment and Response

Views: 975
(June 04, 2021) Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) organized recently a training on "Wildlife Poisoning - Incident Assessment and Response" in Mbatamila - NSR's headquarters. A total of 33 technicians from various departments of the Reserve participated, with emphasis on the Department of Law Enforcement and the Department of Communities, including 2 technicians from the District Services of Economic Activities of Mecula District (SDAE). The training was facilitated by Mr. André Botha, from EWT - Endengered Wi...


Visit of the Delegation of the US Embassy of Mozambique to the Niassa Special Reserve

Views: 958
(June 04, 2021) On May 29th 2021 Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) Headquarters received a delegation from the US Embassy in Mozambique, composed of the following: ·       Colonel Fergal O’Reilly – Defense Attaché; ·       Robert S. Elliot – Assistant Defense Attaché; ·       Patrick S. Gan – Environment, Science and Technology Attaché of the Embassy's Department...


First Niassa Special Reserve Science Meeting and Miombo Network Meeting: from science to miombo woodlands management

Views: 853
(June 04, 2021) The Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering (FAEF), from Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), has been leading the Miombo Regional Network since 2011. The MN is composed of scientists from several countries in Africa, Europe and the United States. At the same time, FAEF has been leading a research program on fires and the dynamics of miombo woodlands in the Niassa Special Reserve, for more than 15 years. Thus, an event was held that brought together scientists from the Miombo Network an...


Another joint Human wildlife conflict mitigation team is set up.

Views: 791
(June 01, 2021) Last week, another Human wildlife conflict mitigation team (HWC) was formed in Marrupa, which is integrated by the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR), Mozambique Republic Police (PRM) and District Services for Economic Activities (SDAE) which will work to scare away wild animals to communities in the buffer zone, in the District of Marrupa.   During the meeting, scare kits were handed out to the SDAE's (firecrackers, horns, torches and reflective tapes). It should be noted that this is the seco...




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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965