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Entries for November 2023

Mozambique Equipped with a Rapid Genetic Sequencer to Identify CITES Shark and Ray Species

Views: 407
(November 22, 2023) In the last 20 years, 143 shark and ray species have been listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), comprising 90% of all internationally traded shark and ray species. Since 2021, the Oceanographic Institute of Mozambique (InOM) and the National Fisheries Administration, IP (ADNAP, IP), with support from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), have been working on 1) improving knowledge about CITES in Mozambique and ...


Government of Mozambique officially launches National Strategy for Coral Reefs co-developed with WCS-Mozambique

Views: 738
(November 22, 2023) On this 21st of November 2023, during the celebrations of the World Fisheries Day, Her Excellency the Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries officially launched the National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs. Excerts of the officially launch of the National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs   This legal instrument was co-developed between 2020 and 2022 with the technical and financial support of WCS-Mozambique thro...


Improved boating and scientific diving safety protocols for Western Indian Ocean WCS Marine Program Teams

Views: 847
(November 22, 2023) Last week, Jennifer O’Leary (WCS WIO Region Marine Director) and Erwan Sola (Lead Coral Reef Scientist, WCS-Mozambique), visited the WCS-Madagascar Marine Program Team in Nosy Be for a Boating and Diving Safety evaluation and training. Combining our experience and expertise in the region with the local knowledge of the country Team, we reviewed available safety equipment and drafted safe procedures for boating and scientific diving, including checklists and emergency plans. The protocol de...


COMBO+ hosts its Mid-term Evaluation Meeting in Mozambique

Views: 524
(November 16, 2023) The mid-term evaluation meeting of the COMBO+ programme ("Conservation, Mitigation and Biodiversity Offsets") was held in Macaneta, Mozambique, from 7 to 11 November, ending with a field trip to Maputo National Park. The event was hosted by Mozambique's Ministry of Land and Environment, with almost 60 participants representing the programme's technical teams and host governments (namely Guinea Conakry, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, Myanmar and Laos), a delegation from China&#...


Niassa Special Reserve brings 2 pangolins back to the wild

Views: 521
(November 15, 2023) The Niassa Special Reserve recently brought back to the wild two pangolins found by communities in the Marrupa and Mavago Districts. In Marrupa, this occurred in October, when a 4-year-old boy named Luis César, who lives in the Mualawamaka neighbourhood in the Marrupa district, saw a pangolin while playing with his friends and immediately told his parents. The parents, in turn, told the community leaders, who immediately tried to round up and protect the animal. José Sitoe, Head of Law...


National experts assess the conservation status of coastal plant species

Views: 597
(November 01, 2023) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in partnership with the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB), as part of the Mainstreaming Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), Piloting Blue Carbon, and Strengthening Coral Reef Fisheries in Mozambique project funded by SPEED+, has been supporting assessment of the conservation status of 30 coastal plant species since October 5, 2023, by applying the criteria of the International Union for ...




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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965