In the News

Entries for November 2022

Government of Mozambique approves National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032)

Views: 1274
(November 18, 2022) On the 15th of November 2022, the Government of Mozambique approved by Resolution of Council of Ministers, the National Strategy for the Management and Conservation of Coral Reefs (ECOR 2022-2032). This document includes quantitative objectives and clear guidelines to increase knowledge of this important ecosystem in Mozambique and improve its conservation status, as well as the specific actions that are necessary to promote its protection, effective management, and continuous monitoring over th...


New project to map and assess biodiversity launched in Mozambique

Views: 1111
(November 17, 2022) On 16 November, the SBAPP Regional Project was launched in Macaneta, Mozambique in the presence of the Embassy of France. The full project name is ‘Building biodiversity knowledge for action in Southern Africa: Spatial Biodiversity Assessment, Prioritization and Planning in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Malawi’. The project objective is to build and strengthen the biodiversity knowledge base for each country and to promote collaboration on biodiversity science in the region. ...


Training for trainers on environmental and social safeguards and community engagement strategies

Views: 1151
(November 16, 2022) WCS brought together for a fortnight its partners of the project Building a Blue Future for Ecosystems and People on the East African Coast (Blue Future), to train the project team on issues that are considered determinant and that WCS always considers in its projects, namely the social and environmental safeguards that must be implemented throughout the project, as well as specific methodologies for interaction with communities. The 2-week event is taking place between 8 and 18 November 2022, a...


Nampula receives training for Government technicians on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (55/2022)

Views: 692
(November 01, 2022) The training of technicians from the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates and the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment from Zambézia and the north of the country on the new Ministerial Diploma for Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique (Diploma 55/2022) took place on 25 and 26 October in the city of Nampula, in Nampula Province. Biodiversity offsets are required by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (Decree 54/2015) and recently regulated by the Biodive...




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Address: Orlando Mendes Street, no.163, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique | +258 (21) 49 6965