The Mozambique's COMBO+ (‘Conservation, Mitigation and Offsetting of Biodiversity’) Program Steering Committee Meeting took place on 19 December 2024. The event was attended by 16 online participants, representing the technical teams, the government and donors, as well as other relevant partners in the implementation of the program.

COMBO+ has been running since 2016 and supports the Government of Mozambique in reconciling economic development with biodiversity conservation, through a sequence of measures to mitigate impacts on biodiversity, with the aim of achieving no net loss or even achieving biodiversity gains, while contributing to the fulfilment of the national targets on this matter.
Four years on from the start of the second phase of COMBO+ (2021-2025), another Steering Committee Meeting was held, with the aim of taking stock of the activities achieved to date, sharing experiences and knowledge about its implementation, including the lessons learned from the pilot projects, and planning the activities that are needed until the end of the program.
The COMBO+ Program is a partnership between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA), represented by the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB). In Mozambique, it is currently funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the French Environmental Fund (FFEM), with co-funding from other donors, including the MOZBIO 2 Project (World Bank), UNDP (BIOSFAC and BIOFIN Projects) and the Biodiversity Conservation Program through the Government of Sweden.