As part of ongoing community-based conservation work in Niassa Special Reserve (NSR), a seminar was recently held in Mecula District covering rights and responsibilities in natural resource management. Conducted by the Administrator of Mecula District - António Joaquim Paulo, the seminar was attended by the NSR Administrator - Terêncio Tamele, NSR management staff, District Authorities, the Mecula Headquarters Natural Resources Management Committee (MUGANO) and members of civil society.

The meeting’s main objective was to raise awareness of laws and regulations regarding the protection of biodiversity, gather and address feedback from participants and communities. The NSR management team always aims to develop strategies and activities that respond to the needs of communities while safeguarding biodiversity, and meetings like this will be held in each of the 8 NSR districts in 2023.
NSR Community Conservation Sector Manager - Thiago Nhazilo, made a presentation outlining laws and norms that regulate natural resources, such as the Land Law and the Forestry and Wildlife Law so that participants fully understand legal and prohibited activities within the Reserve. Presentations and discussions also covered the issuing of timber and fishing licenses, the definition of ‘sustainable exploitation’, and the geographical areas where communities can carry out activities.
The seminar highlighted the need for ongoing community awareness efforts to ensure long-term ecosystem and cultural preservation so that current and future generations understand the value of their natural environment and ensure any resource use is truly sustainable.