A training workshop for the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates and the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (CTA) of the southern region (Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane) on the implementation of the new Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (Diploma nº 55/2022, published on 19 May this year) took place on 20-21 September in Maputo City.
The two-day training was hosted by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) in coordination with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), through the COMBO+ Program. The main goal was to strengthen the capacity and awareness of the Provincial Environment Services and Directorates including the CTA from the southern region of the country, in order to improve the operationalization of the Ministerial Diploma no. 55/2022 and the correct implementation of Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique.

The training was attended by about 43 participants and facilitated by the COMBO+ Program team (DINAB, WCS and BIOFUND). Specific sessions on the Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), the functionalities of the Mozambique Biodiversity Information System (SIBMOZ) and the Environmental Licensing Management System (SGLA) were also delivered as part of the training, focusing on the role of these tools in the implementation of Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique and their alignment with national targets and international commitments. Additionally, opportunities for collaboration and synergies were also identified at the central and provincial levels in the south of the country.
This training is part of the national training program on the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy and biodiversity offsets in Mozambique promoted by the COMBO+ program and will also be extended to the central and northern provinces.