The Niassa Special Reserve (REN) received today its new Warden, the Chief Superintendent of Police, Terêncio Artur Tamele, in Mbatamila (NSR's headquarters) in the presence of provincial and district authorities, as well as REN staff.

Warden Terêncio Tamele (on right position) receiving the ownership documents from the hands of José Sitoe, NSR Law Enforcement Manager
Note that Terêncio Artur Tamele was appointed by order of the Minister of Land and Environment of the 28th of January 2022, and will perform his new duties as Warden of NSR, on secondment.
Warden Terêncio Tamele comes to NSR at a special time for this consservation area especially in the dimensions of security, co-management and food security of the communities which, as a consequence, poses challenges in relation to poaching.
WCS and the team from the Niassa Special Reserve wish the new Warden a warm welcome and best wishes for his excellent work in defense of biodiversity in the largest conservation area in the country.